
Make money online with the Google
AdSense™ advertising program.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Google AdSense Equation for Monetary Success_27

Enlighten People:     

There are many factors that govern how much money you can make. These can be sumarized in the following equation. Although not all of the factors are equal, you need to make sure that you work on all of them:

Google Adsense Revenue = Traffic Levels × High Paying Ads × Ad Position × Relevant Ads × Ad Design

Traffic Levels:
It seems simple enough - the more traffic that you get, the more chance that somebody will click on an advert. Try and write some pillar articles that get high on search results for certain keywords. Also, try to get Slashdotted. Having an article Slashdotted will bring a day of seriously high traffic (hope your server can cope). A lot of image ads and site-targeted ads as well as text ads are CPM. This means that your are paid for each time the advert is viewed. Having regulars is important as well, so write GREAT CONTENT.

High Paying Ads:
Obviously, the more paid for an ad, the more you get. You need keyword targeting! You might like to follow the AdWords set up and see what sort of prices are paid for certain keywords. You need to select a high-paying topic (about technology not toothpicks!). Also, make sure you sign up for image ads which have a larger CPC. Have a go - it's mainly trial and error and won't be easy.

Ad Position:
Don't hide your ads! Make them close by. You have the choice of where to place your Google AdSense ads. Put them in text flow or at the end of long articles.

Relevant Ads:
You really need to make sure that your ads are relevant to the topic or your CTR will be way low. Without keyword spamming, try using the tips in the keyword post. Make sure there are ads for your topic out there, check your sidebars for unneeded text, use section targeting. That should be it.

Ad Design:
The amazing thing about AdSense ads is that you choose the design. One Adsenser said that all ads should be on a bright red background with yellow text as the colours of McDonalds bring out an urge to buy. Contrasting ads work but the way most people make money is by making the ads blend and look like part of the site. Experiment with all different shapes, colours and sizes. Only you can find out what works for your site.

WARNING: - You may not see an instant increase in money and your income will be limited by the weakest element. If you have great ad visibility but badly paying ads, you won't make money.


Sunday, March 26, 2006

Google AdSense Keywords and Content

Enlighten People:     

One way to make money with Google AdSense is by keyword targeting. As you probably already know, Google AdSense ads are contextually targeted. The Google AdSense spider / crawler / indexer searches your content for keywords and then displays ads for those keywords - contextually targeted adverts. However, AdWords advertisers pay different amounts for different keywords. Advertisers pay more for keywords where they are likely to make better returns and get more money for. A jokes page will likely have low paying ads ($0.02) whereas one about credit cards will have much higher paying keywords.
However, you should really only make content about stuff you can write about or are interested in. Also, if you have a website that is mainly targeted to a particular topic and you then put in a page about Student Consolidation to try and get a better CPC (cost per click) you will not get as much money as if you had a whole site about the keyword.The best paying keywords are about mesothelioma, life insurance, loans, mortgages, etc. Not really the most interesting topics but if you have a blog about electricals you can get quite a high CPC and therefore lots of money.

How to implement keywords:

* Find a keyword you want to target
* Write an article. You must have good content otherwise your readers will turn off.
* Inside your article you must have the keyword mentioned a few times
* The <title> of the page should contain the keyword
* The keyword should appear in at least one <h1> tag
* The keyword should appear in <b> (bold) at least once
* Don't overdo the keyword targeting as Google will give you worse ads as a result so keep the <meta> tags down.

Sign up for AdSense now and start earning money from YOUR website or blog.

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Saturday, March 25, 2006

What is Google AdSense?

Google AdSense is a free advertising network that lets you sell advertising space on your website. Whenever a visitor to your site clicks on an advert, you earn money. The adverts are not just randomly chosen ads - they are relevant to your site's content.

As you can see on this website, the adverts are contextually chosen relative to the page content by the Google index spider / crawler. Also, they are dead easy to implement - just choose a few settings like colour from Google and copy and paste the HTML code it generates.

Where do Google AdSense ads come from? They come from the massive Google AdWords network. Whenever you perform a Google search or view a message in GMail, target ads appear at the side and top which are sponsored by the millions of AdWords advertisers. The advertisers bid on specific keywords for their adverts to appear for and each time your ads are loaded, there is an auction to see which ads for the keywords on your site will give you the best return. When somebody clicks on one of your ads, Google gets paid by the advertiser and a secret percentage is given to you, the publisher (apparently it is about 50%).

This is a great way to make money online from blogs and other websites. There are many factors in creating a successful ad-supported web site which will be covered soon. Sign up now and start earning by clicking the banner!

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Make money online

Make money online with Google AdSense. Yes, you too can have a website that generates income for you easily. Learn how in this blog. Hopefully it will contain SEO tips, high-paying keywords, layout tips and all other manner of AdSense money making schemes.