
Make money online with the Google
AdSense™ advertising program.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Keyword density analyser

The Google spider indexes your pages to find keywords. You can check your webpage's keyword density using the keyword tool below. As you know, having keywords in your text is the most important thing to get well targeted ads. I already posted on ways to implement keywords and content.
Just visit web address below and your content will be analysed and your keywords ranked.
Form is located at

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Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Just In: Video Ads

Google AdWords advertisers can now advertise on your site with video ads as a new addition to the line up of text, Flash and image adverts currently available according to the AdWords blog. If you have selected image ads, you are able to receive these new video ads. There are 2 ways to make money from them - CPM - Cost per thousand impressions and CPC - Cost Per Click with CPM ads being charges per 100 views of the starting image and CPC ads being charged per click through to the website (not just playing the ads). The adverts do not start playing automatically - only when they are clicked on. Currently there is no way to opt out of video ads but soon there may be.
Is this really a revenue increasing ad unit or just something flashy that takes ages to load?

How to get them: They can't guarantee that video ads will appear on your site. However, if you want to make sure video ads could appear on your site, there are actually 3 ad formats that currently support them:
  1. 300x250 Medium Rectangle
  2. 336x280 Large Rectangle
  3. 250x250
also you need to opt into both text and image ads.
In the coming days, we will be adding click-to-play video ads to the
line-up of text, Flash and image ad formats currently
supported by the Google content network. At launch, video ads will be available
to AdWords advertisers in the US, Canada and Japan - but we plan to roll them
out to other regions shortly.Now, let's talk about the details.First, as with
all AdWords ad formats, video ads will compete for
on sites in the Google content network with other text, Flash and
image ads -- and, as with our other image ad placements, you can choose to bid
on a CPC or CPMbasis.
Second, these ads will be supported by both site- and keyword-targeted
campaigns. You can choose to serve your video ad on a specific site or on pages
in our content network that relate to your product or service. As always, you
have the ability to geo-target
your video ads internationally, nationally, or locally.Finally, unlike some
intrusive advertising, users will have complete control. When a page loads, only
a static image will be visible; the video will not start playing until the user
initiates it. He or she will be able to advance the video, pause it, adjust the
volume or click through to the advertiser's site, as you can see in the example
But, you may say, video is only for big branding oriented advertisers.
We beg to differ. This feature makes video ads much more accessible to all
advertisers. Now, an owner of a small bed & breakfast in Lake Tahoe can put
a video tour of his beautiful chalet right next to an article that talks about
skiing the epic slopes of Squaw Valley.
[Google AdWords blog]


Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Referrals / Affiliate Income

Google's been busy recently adding new Referral options to its Google AdSense program. Referrrals are affiliate links that instead of being PPC - Pay Per Click, you get paid for getting the user to do something like download a program. Now, instead of just buttons, you can have link referrals. These blend more easily with your site and can be integrated with your site content and styled however you like. However, AdSense still has a high level of control. You still have to place JavaScript ad code in the page and cannot change the text of the link.
Also, there are some new referral programs. As well as the original AdSense, AdWords and Firefox, you now have Picasa and Google Packs. New ad colours have been added, but you need to choose US English to get them.
However, I'm not sure that you do that well with referrals as the conversion is quite hard or underpaid.
  • Google Adsense - $100 when a user signs up and earns their own $100 in 180 days
  • Google AdWords - $20 when a user signs up and spends $100 in 90 days
  • Firefox - up to $1. Sometimes you can get only 10 cents for a Firefox referral as it depends on user location. US and UK are $1. Norway is $0.25. Other western nations about $0.50. Other countries like China and New Zealand are $0.10. Must be first time installation on Windows. Oh - it's not just firefox - it is FF with the Google Toolbar.
  • Picasa - photo editing software download for about $1. Must be first time installation on Windows.
It's a good additional source of income but it won't earn you loads unless you are good at pushing the AdSense referral. I've been having a go with some of the new links and buttons and have seen a definite increse in CTR - Click Through Rate and conversion rates.

Other affiliate networks are out there as well. I use Commission Junction which has the affiliate program (GBP 7 for a new user, GBP0.10 for a bid) and the ($0.20 for winning bid). Also, there are a few other nice affiliate programs but I'm not too impressed. The associates program is really good. I wrote one review for a product, put an Amazon link on it and had a sale almost instantly with about 7%. Just you don't want a small amount of money in loads of accounts because that way you'll never get paid!

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