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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

What is a good CTR?

Enlighten People:     

It depends on the kind of site you got. Some sites have trouble getting a 1% CTR. Others have no trouble getting over 10% CTR. Check the links at the end of the FAQ for tips on optimizing your site.

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Sunday, December 09, 2007

Why am I getting PSAs?

Enlighten People:     

Google has not yet crawled all the pages of your website.
Your page may contain sensitive content for which relevant paying ads will not be displayed.
Your website is using session IDs in the URL.
The AdSense code was placed within an IFRAME.
Your web pages are behind a login.
There are too many URLs added to your account filter list.
Your web page may not contain enough content.
Your site content is primarily in an unsupported language.

Your site has restricted access using a robots.txt exclusion. If you would like to grant Google's crawler access your pages, you can do so without granting permission to any other bots. Simply add the following two lines to the top of your robots.txt file:

User-agent: Mediapartners-Google*

Your website is using frames. In order for Google to serve better targeted ads to the content on your website, select the Framed page checkbox from the Ad layout code page when generating your ad code.

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Thursday, December 06, 2007

Blogger blogspot social bookmarks

Enlighten People:     

What is this? See four icons just above this line? This is it!

A lot of people asked me if I am familiar with any Blogger plug-in similar to Sociable for wordpress. Unfortunately my answer was always no. There are however tools to implement social bookmarks in Blogger but either they redirect you to another site or are just those one-button-wonders which never works as imagined.

Long story short; here is my javascript version with currently only four social networks but more will be added depending on interest shown by You dear visitor :).

How to use it? Copy link of your post in url field and press socialize!


copy/pasta below in front or at the end of your post:

 pretext (optional)

 url (it's a must)

 title (if none script will assign an appropriate one)


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